May 04, 2003


I've been getting email from various cities inquiring about finale parties, etc. I am not keeping track of this information, as always I would point anyone interested in finding out information to check out the Cross and Stake or other Buffy Boards. I've also been asked if I will be attending any finale parties. Herc did drop me a line wondering why I did not ask to be a part of Ain't It Cool New's bash. Truth of the matter, it just wasn't financially feasible to fly down to Los Angeles (and miss two days of work in the offing). So I will be watching the Buffy finale from my usual locale, the comfy couch (or bed if I'm really lazy).

I've also been asked in several mails to post information on the various tribute sites, fund drives for Variety ads, and other fan activities revolving around the finale. Once again, the reason that I don't post this information is not because I don't feel they are good causes, it's just that it's too hard to answer all of the requests that I get to pass along info, so it's easier to remain neutral rather than take the risk of overlooking a request or appearing biased by the requests that I might post.

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