April 21, 2003

Wrap Reports


With it looking more and more that there will be not any further spoilage coming out on the finale, there will be less and less news as time goes on. Though I would presume that there will be a number of interviews and comments made by the writers and actors over the next month, leading up to the finale.

Joss Whedon is one of the first to speak, commenting on the show and the future of 'Angel' at a wrap party for the cast. The interview, conducted by Fred Topel, is up at About.com. Interestingly, it appears that if the WB doesn't decide to go with 'Angel', another opportunity may exist for the show to go elsewhere. Which fits with some things I had heard in conjunction with a possible spin-off (ie: that if UPN passed, another network might step in to pick up the show).

Sci Fi Wire speaks a bit more about this, and added a bit on the possibility of a 'Buffy' cast member going to 'Angel'. The feeling at the moment is that this would be Spike, as James Marsters has made comments to that effect. However, the actor admits that although there is interest, it's something that's in the works but certainly 'not a lock'. While they rule out Nicholas Brendon because of his signing with a new pilot, they indicated that both Willow and Giles might stop in for a visit.

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