April 17, 2003

Catching Up

Odds And Ends

Today I'm going to play a bit of catch-up, coming back to some things that I've overlooked with all the focus on the finale. Also, as I'll explain later on, there will be no other update until Sunday.

TV Guide has posted a summary to 'Empty Places'.

Empty Places 60 min. As Sunnydale's residents evacuate en masse, Faith rallies the demoralized potentials while an emotionally fragile Buffy endures another run-in with Caleb. Duncan: Nathan Brooks Burgess. Munroe: Justin Shilton. Caleb: Nathan Fillion. Faith: Eliza Dushku. Kennedy: Iyari Limon. Amanda: Sarah Hagan

Kristin had her usual chat on Monday at E! Online, with the usual Buffy bits. Couple of the more interesting comments.

From babiesatemydingo: Any chance Seth Green returns for the Buffy finale? Sorry, he's not.

From jnila: Does it seem like Joss Whedon is leaving the door open for Sarah to do an occasional guest appearance on Angel or a new spinoff, whenever it happens, or even a movie?

DEFINITELY. All the caps intentional. I believe that's why he's ending it sort of like every other episode; Buffy's just sort of...going on.

You can read all that and more at E! Online.

I'd like to take a moment to all who sent e-mails about the Focus Group for the next iteration of the Spoiler Slayer. I received over 200 e-mails and it took some time to sort through them all. I had a limited number of slots and it was a very hard decision. At this time, I have notified those who were chosen for the first round of testing. However, I'm keeping all the e-mails filed for possible second or third rounds sometime this Summer. Thanks again.

Also, in regards to what comes next, I would say it's a safe bet that if 'Angel' gets renewed the site will turn to cover it. It's also possible that there might be a current or new show that might keep 'Angel' company. That is something you won't have to wait until the Summer to find out. As soon as the season ends on Buffy, I'll probably take a week or two off, then move on to the new shows. So there will be Spoiler Slayage ramping up in early June.

Couple of thoughts on the finale script. I've gone over it myself and done some checking on my own. My opinion is still the same. It definitely is a script for what would appear to be the final episode of Buffy. There a few things here and there that raise my eyebrows a bit, but they are all minor. If this is faked, it's a very good forgery or a deliberate mislead.

That being said, I have gotten two separate reports that could indicate some changes will be made between this script and the actual finale. Then again, it could also be open to interpretation. So I'm going to try and find some time this week to run over what I have and see if I can get a different read.

So there will be no update until the Weekend Update on Sunday, but I might just have a tidbit or two to pass along. But don't get your hopes up on the fate of Spike, everyone that I've heard from or spoken to is in agreement on Spike sacrificing himself to seal the Hellmouth.

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