April 14, 2003

Wildfeeds, DrLloyd, Faith

Wildfeed Monday

Wildfeeds are up from the various sources, submitted for your pleasure.

Leoff's Wildfeed

Hercules Review

Stiney's Wildfeed

Does She Use Feria?

DrLloyd posted some info on Willow at the Cross and Stake. According to her info, Willow and Kennedy will make it through the finale (which fits what I've been hearing). Though she has a twist that I haven't heard of.

she ends the show fine. In fine form, and only one slight change. Kennedy lives too, and they still seem to be a couple.

The 'slight change': White hair

Finally, and just a small note. Tim Minear did an interview for Femme Fatale where he commented on the concept behind the 'Faith' spin-off.

"The show was basically going to be Faith Meets Kung Fu," Minear told Femme Fatale magazine. "It would have been Faith, probably on a motorcycle, crossing the Earth, trying to find her place in the world.

"I'm sure it would get an arc at some point, but the idea of her rooted somewhere seemed wrong to me. The idea of her constantly on the move seemed right. And she broke out of prison (on Angel) so there would have been some people after her."

Sadly, due to Dushku's commitment to new Fox pilot Heroine, the spin-off was not to be. "Eliza was gracious, kind and wonderful, but she felt like she wanted to do something new," said Tim."
"I feel kind of bad," Eliza commented, "but I also need to get something else going. We created this character five years ago, and it's the kind of thing where I want to be standing on my own two feet a little bit - and not be following in Buffy's footsteps

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