April 10, 2003

Off-Topic Thursday

Still No News

Still no really new spoiler news, though I hope to maybe have some tidbits tomorrow. Hard to say, but I have hopes. I will make note that Marti commented in an interview that there are definitely no plans for a spinoff until at least mid-season of next year. Not really new news, but just another official confirm.

Even though it's been somewhat slow, I am looking towards the future in terms of the site. Which means I'm looking for a small focus group of people to help provide some thoughts or comments on new features, changes, etc.

*** This will be entirely offtopic and have nothing to do with any current or future spoilage. Questions will be more along the lines of "of these three fonts and sizes, which works best in this color?" or "Do you like this better as a pop-up window or a separate page?" ***
In other words, it will probably be pretty boring. In fact, it's going to be more technical in nature than anything else. Which means I'm looking for people with experience and a good eye. It's also going to be something that I'll probably be asking you for feedback on a daily basis.

I'm probably looking at 10 people at the most, maybe 20. I don't have time enough to answer my regular email as it is, so I'm setting up a temporary account to handle these submissions. I will put out a general announcement once I've made the selection, but I won't be able to respond to every application.

Applications Closed I will post in a future update if more are needed.

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