April 07, 2003


Looking Back

Short update today, as about the only news to surface was a round up of various spoilers/comments by Herc at Aint it Cool News.

Herc also dropped me a line about the recent spoilage from Wendy, pointing out the similarity to his thoughts on Spike's ultimate end last August.

Bonus! Herc’s crackpot theory about Spike.

Three years ago Herc stumbled upon a defective bracelet in a Christian bookstore. Instead of “WWJD?” this bracelet sported an extra “W” and spelled out “WWJWD?” Every time Herc glances at the letters now affixed to his wrist, he believes he can see where all this is headed.

Herc believes Buffy will slowly fall hard for the New Spike. Herc believes Spike, however, will avoid all romantic entanglement with the slayer because he now believes that he is wholly unworthy of Buffy’s love. Herc expects major tearjerking self-sacrifice in 7.22. Herc suspects his WWJWD bracelet may be precipitating circulatory issues.

While things might not have fit what happened in the romance department (it's really hard to kindle a romance when you're being tortured, operated on, or pursued by a principal with a vendetta), it does come pretty darn close to hitting the mark. That is, if this is indeed what will happen to Spike in the final episode. Personally, I would like some independent confirmation of my own.

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