April 06, 2003


Dead Poet Society

Wendy has updated the SpoilerZone, with what could be considered to be very major spoilage for 'Chosen'. There have been rumors for some time, but I haven't been able to get any confirmation myself.

My apologies for the short update, but I have new information about the series finale (episode 22 - Chosen).

In the final battle, Spike sacrifices his life to save the world. Buffy tells him she loves him, but he thinks she is just being nice because he is about to die.

As usual, I have no reason to doubt any information coming from Wendy. Especially when it comes to BSD's (Big Scooby Deaths). However, as she mentions herself, death is far from being the final word in the Buffyverse. In addition, this would solve at least part of the problem of having 'Two vampires with souls' if Spike does join the cast of 'Angel' as rumored.

Would this mean that the Shanshu Prophecy was intended all along to be about Spike and not Angel. I know this is a popular theory, but I'm still very skeptical about it. The main reason being is that while it would be a nice connection for the fans who watch both shows, it's obvious that the shows do have separate fan bases. If perhaps the prophecy had been mentioned on 'Buffy', or if Spike's souled status had been mentioned on 'Angel', then I would think it's a bit more probable.

Of course, this could all be revealed or resolved once Spike arrives on 'Angel' (if that is what is going to happen). Then again, how many times have there been what we considered to be major clues to upcoming storylines, that turned out to be nothing at all.

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