March 25, 2003

Location Shoot

Last Location Shoot, Ever

Still not much news, but at least there's new Buffy on the horizon (and I'm sure some of you are already watching).

DMT1028 posted information about what could be one of the final location shoots at It would seem that they are shooting scenes for multiple episodes.

Episode 22: Buffy is on the porch, looking at the moon. She grabs a latern on the porch, and walks back in the house. They shot this about seven times, different angles, and Joss is a perfectionist.

Episode 20-22: Buffy is walking outside the house, and there is trash and furniture everywhere in the front. She's crying, and walking down the street. They filmed this about five times.

Spike's scene was real short. He just walks out the house and slams the door. They shot this about five times.

Xander and Dawn's kidnapping scene. Here is how the dialogue went.

Camera zooms into the car, where Dawn and Xander are looking for some weapons.
Dawn: I'm telling you Xander, I can't find my cross bow in here.
Xander: (can't here xander)
(Xander gets out of the car =)
Xander: You know the worst thing is, it's all fun and games until someone looses an eye.I guess you're all done Xander!
Dawn: Thats not really funny.
Xander: Thats not the point. It's a joke. Its like someone saying I'm the cyclopes.
Dawn: Oh yeah that is funny. (laughs hysterically, and gets out of the car) No it's not!
Xander: (can't here)
Dawn: I just think everyone is uneasy around you because of what...
(Xander puts a hankerchief over her mouth that makes her faint.
Xander slams the door and drives off)

Most of this fits already known spoilers, so not much new. Well, except for the scene from 22. Then again, doesn't really tell us much.

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