February 06, 2003

No Real News

Doldrums Again

Once again we've hit a slow spot, so there's really no new spoilage to comment on. In fact, the biggest news I've run across is that repeats will begin again once Sweeps is over. So the first two episodes in March will likely be repeats of 'Selfless' and 'Him'. Going off Faith's schedule, I would expect to see 'Mothers And Sons' shortly before they wrap up her run on Angel (mid to late March, but it's just a guess on my part).

On a side note, I was kind of amused that for a fan community that usually enjoys looking for hidden meanings and clues, practically everyone overlooked a tidbit from 'Angel' last night. Whether it be a hidden message, or simply a shoutout to Sean Astin directing last night's episode, there was clearly a page of runic writing in the book Fred was reading last night. Although a cursory glance by myself would seem to confirm that the writing is based on the dwarvish runes used in Tolkien's books, I couldn't make heads or tails of it.

Please don't bother sending translations, as I'm pretty much going to presume that if there is anything spoilery, it'll be Angel-related (and I'm still trying to avoid these as much as possible), but someone may find it an interesting project.

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