February 04, 2003

Loey, Eliza, Kristin

I Lied

Well, looks like my internet connection started to working again. So I will actually be able to update today.

Not much in the way of news, so as with yesterday's update, I'm going to just cover what's out there.

Loey's Early-Bird Review is up and available.

Eliza_Do posted at the Cross and Stake, stating to have confirmation that Eliza Dushku has been signed for the next season. However, the show will not include James, Alyson, and more than likely Nick either. I can't confirm or deny any of this information, but I can say that it doesn't fit what little information I have on the possibilities for Season Eight. But that doesn't mean that this isn't solid information, as I have heard multiple valid scenarios for Season Eight. Including one that does not take in Sunnydale, which is something else Eliza_Do mentioned.

I do have a couple of ED Fans who write from time with updated info, so if this is true, we should have confirmation very soon.

The Gossip Queen Formerly Known As Wanda's archive is up at E! Online. Kristin also had some interesting things to say about Eliza last week as well.

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