January 25, 2003

Hercules, Nikki Info

Still Slow

Still very quiet in terms of spoilage, and I can't even do my review and thoughts of 'Potential' because I won't see it until tomorrow night.

There are a few tidbits to pass along...

Herc has posted a spoiler compilation for Sweeps at Aint It Cool News, which has been pretty much covered already. But it's a nice recap of what's to come.

I've also gotten some news on who will be playing 'Nikki', and it's not who played her in the past. Roger passed along a tidbit he picked up from K.D. Aubert's site, where it's mentioned that the actress recently filmed the role of 'Nikki' on BtVS

Nikki was formerly played by April Weedon-Washington.

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