January 22, 2003

More 'Get It Done' Spoilage, Crossover

Aphrodite Continues...

After last night's update, Aphrodite continued to fill in details on 'Get It Done' over at Television Without Pity.

The old guys are trying to merge her with a demon cause they are trying to help her -- this was the process they used to create the original slayer. They have no other power to offer her -- Buffy fights the demon (which is a mist demon) off and she also fights them off. But they are trying to help, and by rejecting their help she is essentially deciding that she and her friends are smart and inventive enough to do it on their own. My take on it is that you should view the first three wizard guys as an early version of the council of watchers. In a way.

Something bad happens about halfway through the episode (I'm not saying what). Buffy is reacting to that -- she tells everyone they have to stop waiting for her to figure things out and have to start helping, or they will all just die. By telling Spike to start acting more like his old self she means -- more aggressive, more proactive, not evil per se. She means she needs his help. And she needs everyone to think outside the box (the box being "Buffy will fix it.").

No mention of Faith at all. DP wrote episode I think.

[In regards to a question about Xander possibly dying] Xander definitely does not die in episode 15 (I don't know what will happen later on). Perish the thought!! No real characters die. Please don't be scared everyone -- I never mean to cause panic. Spike is still very good, and he fights a nasty demon all on his own.

MISC ANSWERS: Buffy is the only one who time travels. Spike and Anya go out to escape the horrible SITs early in the episdoe; on the way they are attacked by one of the demons D'Hoffryn has sent to try to kill Anya. Spike knocks out the demon but doesn't kill it (Anya later rebukes him for this, and Spike explains he doesn't have the same blood lust he used to, thus setting him up for later when Buffy says she needs the "old Spike" back to help her). Wood is asking questions about how long Spike has been in SunnyD and where he was before then, how old he is, etc.

Some people on the BAPS board, where I lurk, have been asking why Spike even puts on the leather duster again. He is going off to kill a big demon and decides to go get it first, goes to dig through his stuff in the school basement, finds it, and puts it on. For him I guess it is like armor for going into battle. As he is leaving the school Wood sees him in the duster.

Again this is all solid spoilage from what I can tell, and it's fitting everything that I've been hearing myself (some of which I have been sitting on by request).

The numbers of SIT's in Sunnydale continues to increase, which ties in with the casting call I had for additional SIT's from last week.

Another SIT does not make it through the episode. I knew that more SIT's were going to be on the chopping block, and one source had specifically named Chloe. According to information posted at other boards, I feel safe to say that it will be Chloe (she will commit suicide). For all of those who have written in on her absence from 'Potential', that seemed due to scheduling conflicts, and not reason of plot or storyline.

Don't Cross The Streams

Color me a bit surprised, but news is breaking that Alyson Hannigan will crossover to Angel. I'm not going to fill in the details as to why this will happen, but it does appear that Faith will return with her. Since I don't track Angel spoilers, I would have been slightly skeptical. However, TV Guide Onlineis confirming the report.

BUFFY/ANGEL REUNION: Strange things happen on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel all the time, but none stranger than this. Buffy's Alyson Hannigan, who plays the Chosen One's sorceress sidekick Willow, will be appearing on the spinoff series in the March 26 episode of Angel. Since the supernatural shows are now on different networks — Buffy left the WB for UPN last season; Angel stayed put — how did the crossover come to pass? Sources tell TV Guide Online that, because this is likely Buffy's last season and could be Angel's as well, the networks are giving wunderkind creator Joss Whedon the leeway to do whatever he likes. Gee, talk about a good news/bad news scenario!
My take is that 'Angel' is right now on the bubble for another season, and WB might see this as a way to test the waters (especially if a Buffy cast member does move to that show if Buffy ends). I also think this boosts the possibility that Angel might show up in Sunnydale before the end of this season.

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