January 20, 2003

Wildfeeds, SpoilerZone, TV Guide

Leoff's Late

Imagine my surprise this morning when I went to check out the Wildfeed, only to discover that it had not been posted. Then I realized that Leoff had mentioned that this Wildfeed would be late earlier this month.

If things still go to plan, Leoff's Wildfeed should be up Tuesday AM. In the meantime, here are the links for the other usual suspects.

Herc's Review

Dori's Spikefeed

Stiney's Wildfeed

SpoilerZone Update

Wendy updated the Spoiler Zone, and has most of the Spoilers that loves_8itch posted at the Cross and Stake for episodes 12-14. In addition, Wendy has put up a summary for 'First Date'.

TV Guide

TV Guide Online has a summary up for 'The Killer In Me'.

The Killer in Me 60 min. Willow undergoes a disturbing change in appearance following a night out with Kennedy (Iyari Limon); Spike is beset by unexplained headaches; Giles takes the Potentials on a mystical retreat. Amy: Elizabeth Anne Allen. Giles: Anthony Stewart Head. Andrew: Tom Lenk. Warren: Adam Busch. Willow: Alyson Hannigan.

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