January 05, 2003


Wildfeed Info

Still very slow in Spoiler Land, so I don't have any new info to report. I did want to remind everyone that we will have new Buffy this Tuesday, and I've put up the links on the homepage.

Just a couple of quick comments on some of the responses that I received to my Question and Answer section.

The issue of Principal Wood did not mean that I didn't understand myself. I don't have any problems with the math, and can completely believe that Wood is Nikki's son. But I have gotten a ton of mail both before and after posting, from fans who were confused by the timeline.

I just wanted to point out that it is TV, and things have a way of changing (such as Spike's Sire, Dawn starting High School, Angel's age, etc). There are a multitude of explanations for everything, and ways of interpreting what we do know. For every 'right' answer, someone can find an alternative 'right' answer. It's TV, so I just try to go with the flow and see how things play out.

I've also gotten a lot of e-mail about my statement that Season Four is my favorite season, some of which was a bit on the harsh side. First, it's my opinion and you are certainly welcome to disagree.

Second, I do feel that in terms of both overall storyline and individual episodes, it has the best mix. While Season Two and Three are very strong, there are a number of episodes that just fall flat. While there are a few bad ones in Season Four, I feel the majority of them were outstanding. Although we had to deal with the 'Riley Factor', we also were introduced to Tara, Anya became a regular, and Angel, Faith, Ethan, Jonathan, Harmony, and Percy show up throughout the course of the season. After Season Four, Buffy took a stronger turn towards drama and away from comedy. Four was perhaps the last time that we saw an equal balance between drama and comedy, and is why I think it's one of the best seasons. If you're interested in where I would rank all the Seasons, it would be in the order (from favorite to least favorite)


As it stands at the moment, Seven has a good chance of knocking Four from the top slot.

Now let's hope for some spoilage this week, as I'm rapidly running out of things to talk about.

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