December 29, 2002

Slow Weekend


As expected, with the holiday break things have been rather slow in Spoiler-land. Not much of anything has come out in the past week.

I did want to take a moment to address some rumored spoilers that surfaced for 'Episode 15' a few days ago at the 'Cross and Stake'. I know there was a lot of active debate over whether or not these were valid spoilers. I didn't lend the spoilers very much credence, as there were obvious flaws.

I know that last season I spent a great deal of time tracking spoilers that I knew were false and posting updates on them as well. To be honest, it was only a waste of both my time and yours, and if anything encouraged the posting of false spoilers. This season I've been a bit more critical, which means that if I don't feel the spoilers are valid, I'm going to wait and see how far they actually spread before commenting on them. That's part of the reason why I stopped posting every episode title that appeared.

This doesn't mean that I'm only going to consider spoilers from previously known sources. There have been many new sources that have arrived on the scene this season, Aphrodite, ECH, and Wonald are a few that come to mind. But sometimes spoilage just doesn't ring true, and that was certainly the case with the Episode 15 spoilage.

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