Wanda, Location Shoot, Spoilers
Wanda's archive is up at E! Online, and besides jumping on the 'new Slayer' bandwagon, she's also got info on a possible guest star for February Sweeps. She mentions that Ashanti (a singer), may make an appearence as a priestess. Is this any more legit than the Britney Spears rumors, only time can tell.
Location Shoot
I was hoping to have a link directly to the Location Report that was up at @ TV Zone, but the link doesn't seem to be resolving properly. I'm going to include the link to the site, and thanks to TaraDi for the heads up and to BuffyNuts for all the legwork.
Report from Buffynuts
November 25, 2002
There were ten actors: Buffy, Willow, Xander, Dawn, Andrew, and five teenage girls. Most of the actors were carrying weapons.
Buffy was wearing jeans and a dark leather jacket; her hair was in a clubbed ponytail. Xander was wearing jeans and a blue shirt, and he was carrying an axe. Willow was wearing jeans, a grey sweater, and really cool suede boots; her hair was loose. She was carrying what looked like a wand. It was a stick about two feet long with a silver pointed thing on top that looked
like a Christmas ornament. Dawn was in an orange sweater and was carrying an axe. Andrew had what looked like a bottle of holy water in his hand; it was hard to see and I thought at first that it was a small gun.
One of the teenage girls had a line; her character's name was Molly. She had round poodle pigtails and a fluffy pink coat, and she spoke with some sort of foreign accent -- Australian? She was carrying a stake. One girl was African-American and was wearing overalls. Another had short red hair and was wearing a striped sweater. One of the girls was carrying a
There was a monster that the crew was calling the "UberVamp." He didn't look like a regular vampire; he was bald and ghoulish, like the Master but not as bat-like, and he didn't have fruit punch mouth. He was wearing brown tattered rags, and he looked like he'd been dead and possibly even rotting for a while.
They started from a point down the street, with the UberVamp behind them, and all ten ran up to one spot and stopped. I didn't get all of the lines, but I heard these: Buffy said something about "It was right behind us this time. We need to split up." Molly said, "Do you think that's wise?" Dawn said, "What are you going to do? You can't take that thing on by yourself." (No ordinary vampire, for sure, then.) Buffy took the bottle or whatever from Andrew, who protested, saying, "Hey, I need that." Buffy put the bottle in her back pocket. She said, "Willow, Xander, get everybody out of here, now!" Willow led the group off the street. Dawn tried to stay; she didn't want to leave Buffy with the UberVamp, but Xander said something to her and pulled her away. Everyone but Buffy ran off. Buffy turned and faced the UberVamp.
This scene was shot several times from several different angles, with different close-ups, etc. Then they set up a stunt shot Buffy fighting the UberVamp. I wasn't able to see anything else, but I'm assuming Buffy won.
From the info I have, this is taking place somewhere in the back half or mid-point of Episode 11. Which will segue nicely into the next bit...
Get Your Spoilers Here
As promised, I have more info to pass along. The timing of the Location Shoot couldn't be better, as it specifically references names that had been floated to me by a source. Which makes me feel a bit more comfortable with this latest batch of spoilage, though I will point out that things seem to be in a state of flux. As Wanda mentioned in her comments, there seems to have been some last minute casting changes. That fits with this info, as I've gotten info on several of the Slayers-In-Training (SIT's) where it's the same character, but two different names. Which is nothing new, as early reports of R.J. in 'Him' had him named 'Skylar'.
The last spoiler of the bunch is the most controversial, so I want to be sure that everyone takes it with a big grain of salt. There are multiple explanations for it, as I'll discuss at the end.
From what can be gathered, the older SIT's name is Kennedy. She's around 19 years old and will be coming with the first batch. She's definitely interested in Willow, and Willow could be a bit uncomfortable about this (it's just a general feel based on some dialogue that's been passed along). If it doesn't get cut, Willow will reveal the fate of Miss Kitty Fantastico to Kennedy. No big deal, she apparently ran away.
As mentioned before, one of the SIT's will probably not make it past this episode. She will fall prey to what would seem to be the UberVamp. However, I should point out that there could be more than one powerful vampire running around. Again, I'm getting information from various sources and it seems to be about the same character, but I can't be sure. Buffy tries to save her, and takes a heavy pounding from the vampire. Which makes some of the newer SIT's, who arrive in Episode 11, more than a bit nervous of their situation.
Speaking of Episode 11, 'Showtime', it would seem that there is quite a bit of SIT gathering going on. This should occur before the scene that was mentioned in the Location Shoot. As the episode opens, Andrew is still tied to a chair in the Summer's house. Since he's up and about, one can only guess that the Scoobies need all the backup they can get. Spike is still MIA at this point. Either that, or they've been driven from the house.
The reason why I was on the fence a bit about Spike earlier this month, was because of some of this information. I actually heard the term Ubervamp a while back, and was concerned that this could possibly be referring to Spike. The last report I had of Spike was that he was involved in bringing into being the Ubervamp, but I can now see the origin of this spoiler. It would seem that at the beginning of Episode 10, the Scoobies are more than a bit worried about Spike. They need his muscle, but don't even know if he is alive at this point. However, I still don't have any information on Spike past 'Never Leave Me'.
I'm doing my best to keep count of all the SIT's that are in the mix, but it's not easy with the the various reports that I've had. Three arrive in Episode 10, one of them doesn't make it. At the beginning of 'Showtime', either Buffy has located others in Sunnydale or they have arrived on their own. My figures point to at least five in total by mid-episode 11, but one of them is not what she appears to be. I don't know if she's an incarnation of 'The First' or something else, I just know that she's not a true SIT. One bit of info I have may point to the Scoobies trying to locate a spell or magical item that will allow them to see things for what they really are (note: this is more speculation than spoiler). I would presume that at the end of the episode the truth will be revealed. Which means the writer's could be setting us up by making us think that someone is 'The First', but then having it turn out to be the SIT. That someone would be Giles.
I have information from two separate sources which could point to 'The First' masquerading as Giles. It's not as clear as, "The First is imitating Giles". What both sources have passed along, is that ASH filmed at least two scenes where he was instructed not to touch anyone or anything.
I'm going to collate the spoilers and add them to the page tomorrow, but I wanted to pass along the information. Most of it adds to what I've already passed along, or clarified further info that I only had partial details on originally. I know that the Giles spoiler is the most questionable of the lot, especially since we continue to hear that 'Ripper' is in the works and ready to begin filming as soon as Joss feels that he can devote time to it. I'd also think that Giles would go out in a blaze of glory, rather than the whimper which it would be if he was killed by the Bringer in 'Sleeper'.
If I had doubts about the spoiler, they were pretty much quelled by the Location Report. While I can't go into details, I can pass along that part of the Giles spoiler from one source included the name and description of 'Molly' (and that was long before we had the Shooting Location report).The other source included bits of information that were confirmed by the Wildfeed, so at least on the surface I feel that the basic info is good.
However, I do not want to jump to the conclusion that Giles is dead and is being imitated by 'The First'. With what information that I do have, it all seems a bit too obvious. It doesn't help when some of your own sources are looking to you for additional information. For right now, it's just food for thought, take it all with a grain of salt. All the other spoilers will be end up being ranked as 'Likely', with 'The First Is Pretending To Be Giles' spoiler sitting at 'Possible' (but truly, I'm leaning towards 'Unlikely').
More as I hear it...