November 14, 2002

Brief Update

All Quiet

I probably could have taken a few more days off, as there is very little news coming in at this time. Part of it could be because there is very little media info coming out about Episodes 10 and beyond (as we likely won't see episode 10 until late December at the earliest, and maybe not until January). Though I would still expect to see some shooting reports, since as far as I know, they are still shooting at this time.

Also, on a scheduling note. I have heard that 'Beneath You' and 'Same Time, Same Place' will be airing on December 3rd and 10th.

Tomorrow I will have my thoughts and speculations about 'Conversations With Dead People'. I discovered that I have much more to say about this episode than I expected. As for new spoilage, we might be in another downturn for a few weeks. I would expect some new info shortly, but then another long period for the holidays.

Just didn't want anyone worrying about the lack of updates. It's slow, but with any luck there should be some new spoilers by the end of next week.

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