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November 11, 2002Wildfeeds, Review, Tidbits
Wildfeeds Note:The rankings for this episode have been adjusted as best as I could. I know that technically Willow is not visited by Tara, but I believe what happens is within the spirit (pun intended) of the original spoiler. It's likely that this was probably where Joss intended to have Tara return when he mentioned it this summer. Likewise, the entire string of Spike spoilers is even harder to generate a definitive rank, which has resulted in a a new ranking 'Unknown'. While I don't believe that Spike is working for the 'Shapeshifter', I can't rule out the possibility just yet (though the evidence I have strongly points to manipulation instead). I'll have more to say on both of these topics, once the episode airs.
To be honest, I probably could have cranked this out before this weekend. But as I mentioned earlier, real life can intrude a bit much from time to time, and there was just too much going on to concentrate on a review. Then again, because this was a standalone episode, there really isn't that much to comment on. There was really no development of the characters, so it really doesn't aid in speculating on upcoming storylines. I know that a lot of fans were disappointed with the episode, which I can understand on some levels. To be honest, I really liked the episode. I know that most of us would like to see the storylines set up previously carried through the entire run, but the truth is that it's just not going to happen. Somewhere along the line, you have to take a break from the story. 'Him' was one of those episodes. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and thought it was a nice break from the havoc that is about to begin. That doesn't mean that it's perfect, as I do feel that a bit more could have been done. In fact, the lack of some bits probably do hint at future storylines. It was a lighthearted episode and I do think that most of it was played that way. However, the dark tone behind James Marsters performance took a bit of the funny out of it. As originally scripted, it seems that there would be more banter between Xander and Spike. For one reason or another, this was pulled from the episode (either before or after the shoot). One exchange had Spike hinting that the 'voices' were telling him to kill Xander, but with the news of what lies ahead, one could imagine why that was pulled. So while we had strong comedic performances by everyone else, the darker, moodier Spike bits I think hurt more than helped. One aspect I really enjoyed was the way Drew Z. pulled in the little bits from other, much earlier episodes. Whether it be the cheerleading uniform (and you have to really the question about Dawn being a slayer-in-training with coordination like that), the Xander flashback (loved the NewsRadio 'Good Times' quip), or the Xander/Willow exchange at the Bronze (much like a similar one in 'I Was Made To Love You'). All in all, I think it's still continuing the string of great episodes that we've had this season (and since I've already peeked at the Wildfeed, there ain't a bad one in the bunch as far as I'm concerned). On a completely unrelated note, I'd like to take a moment to comment on the most recent episode of Angel. I know that there has been a lot of talk of actors on 'Buffy' who deserve to be considered for Emmy's, but I think that Charisma Carpenter is not given the full credit that she deserves. Of all the cast members of the two shows, her character has gone through the most dramatic changes in terms of character development. The way she dropped back into the Cordy of Buffy: Season One in this last 'Angel episode was amazing, and just continues to show not only her abilities as an actress, but how far her character has come over the past seven seasons. I know that I rarely speak of 'Angel', but it still is one of my favorite shows and with good reason (also another reason to stay unspoiled, between that and the 'Sopranos' last night, I was in TV heaven).
Just several tidbits to pass along... Yahoo is reporting that the Angel Season One DVD for the States might be released sooner, rather than later (ie: after syndication) The Houston Chronicle has an interesting interview with Joss Whedon on all of his shows. Zap2It has a good interview with Kristine Sutherland, looks like tomorrow may not be the last we see of Joyce this season. Link |