October 13, 2002

DeKnight, Spoilage?, Forgot To Mention

Short And Likely Non-Spoilery

Steven DeKnight posted at the BetaBronze the other day, and the Archives are now available.

Since he's busily working on Angel, there is obviously no Buffy spoilage. However, he does comment on Tara's passing and might have dropped a tidbit our way. The pertinent phrase was...

"I only hope you’ll give me the opportunity to make it up to you in the future, in both words and deeds."
Which could possibly indicate that we will see Amber Benson or Tara in some form or other this season (ie: deeds). Which I know as a rumor has gone from 'almost guaranteed' to 'not going to happen'. I don't know myself and I've heard enough rumblings from my other sources to have the feeling that they don't know for sure either.

Almost Certainly Unspoilery

A couple of posts appeared at the Cross and Stake this weekend, supposedly with spoilers for Episode Seven and Eight. They were posted by Spoilerboy, who as far as I can tell is new to the scene. I highly doubt these spoilers, but since we really haven't had many fake ones this season and some other boards are picking up on them, I should probably mention them.

Don't Look Down

- Buffy and Xander have a huge fight about relationships and Spike.
- A woman by the name of Crystal is the demon in this episode.
- Dimensions all around town open wand swallow the residents of Sunnydale up.
- Willow falls under the "charms" of Crystal.

Primal Fear

- Buffy will have premonitions of all of her friends being killed in some way by this creature called Kaver.

The funny thing is that I was really taking a close look at the Episode 8 spoilers, when they posted about Episode 7. At least the plot of Episode 8 is certainly within the realm of possibility. As for the rest, as much I would like to rank them as unlikely, I can't rule them out. Let's just call them 'Possible - but leaning toward Unlikely'. However, I want to wait a day or two before adding them to the page.

Maybe Spoilery - Definitely Speculation

One other thing that I keep on forgetting to bring up, but watching the beginning and end credits of 'Beneath You' to verify that it wasn't Sarah as the SIT reminded me.

Is it just me, or did the 'voice of the Slayer In Training' sounded a lot like the 'First Slayer'.

Just something to ponder.

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