October 08, 2002

Loey, Wanda, Him

Last Feed

Have to mention that Loey's Early Bird Review is up, if only because I always look forward to her comments.


Wanda's chat archive is up

Can Two Divorced Men Share An Apartment Without Driving Each Other Crazy?

Just received some additional info on 'Him' from one of my industry sources.

Not only are Spike and Xander fighting alongside each other in this episode, they're now living with each other as well. Turns out that Buffy's advice to Spike in 'Selfless' is apparently "Move Out Of The Basement". Her solution, Spike should move in with Xander. If this isn't a clear sign of another apocalypse, I don't know what is.

One other tidbit, it's written by Drew Z. Greenberg.

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