September 14, 2002

Random Musings

Power Drain

I've done some changes to the ranking of the spoilers on the Spoiler Slayer page. No major changes, but there was some rewording.

One of the spoilers I did alter was the one for Episode Three, which has Buffy and Willow reconciling. Which as you remember comes from a source that I've labelled as 'Unconfirmed'. With more spoilers coming to light for Episode Four (as well as Schroeder's information on 'Lessons'), I really have few doubts about this source any longer.

You're probably asking what this has to do with the Buffy/Willow spoiler. Well, I was trying to come up with the best interpretation that I could at the time. It seems that in doing so, I left out a crucial point which really comes into play with all the talk about 'Power'.

The original text suggested that Buffy and Willow share a brief moment at the end of the episode, and in addition to this, Buffy lends Willow some of her strength to help her heal. How this is done, I really can't say. But with a few more tidbits coming in, it certainly looks that it's going to be a bit more than your usual reunion.

Love Letters

One other point, since I've gotten a number of emails about exactly which females of the Scooby Gang were affected by the Magic Letters Jacket in Episode Six. According to my source, it's going to include all the Scooby women (Buffy, Dawn, Anya and Willow). Make of it what you will, but that's the info I have.

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