September 09, 2002

Interviews, More On 'Lessons'

Interview Review

If you've missed any of the interviews over the past few months, put up a nice little recap of most of the major points. Nothing really new for everyone who's been following the interview trail, but it's about all the spoilage that I have for today.

I've Got The Power

Lot's of questions on what is the final line the Buffy-vision speaks to Spike at the end of 'Lessons'. Since Schroeder did paraphrase it in an earlier spoiler, and mentioned that it starts off with "It's All About...", most people have presumed that the Buffy-vision says "It's All About The Power". That fits what I've been hearing, so I don't know if it's been confirmed by a source yet, but I think it's a fair assumption.

I will throw in one more tidbit. I mentioned the similarity behind the the verbal attacks on Buffy and Spike by the entities in 'Lessons'. Don't think that I've overlooked the fact that in 'Same Time, Same Place', The Gnarl seems to be using the same tactic with Willow. I smell a theme...

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