September 03, 2002

Beneath You, UK DVD's

Going To The Chapel

If you've been around and surfing this weekend, you've more than likely run across Partyman's post about a certain poem that Spike supposedly recites in 'Beneath You'. If you're curious about if it's true, this should say it all. I can't post it or a link to where you can find it, unless I wanted to get letters from lawyers about 'copyrighted material'.

If you haven't read about it, or can't find the poem, I wouldn't be too concerned. It's only a little bit of the scene that closes the episode. I did clarify some points at the Buffy Cross and Stake yesterday, basically helping to sort out a timeline. This by no means covers all the scenes in the episode, but should give you a rough idea of the order that things happen. This is all coming for various sources, I'm just trying to collate a list of what I know (and this may not be entirely accurate).

  • Dawn threatens Spike.
  • Spike and Buffy go out on patrol.
  • Buffy has a flashback to the bathroom scene in 'Seeing Red'.
  • Xander helps rescue a girl, Nancy, from a giant worm monster.
  • Nancy puts the moves on Xander, he realizes that her ex-boyfriend may have gotten more than 'she wished' for.
  • Xander, Buffy, and Spike all confront Anya (probably at the Bronze).
  • Anya realizes that Spike has a soul.
  • Spike attacks Anya to keep her from telling Buffy.
  • Buffy beats on Spike for attacking Anya
  • Spike and Buffy attack the Ronnie/Worm.
  • Ronnie/Worm turns human right as Spike strikes at him.
  • Spike runs off, Buffy follows.
  • Buffy finds Spike in a church/chapel/holy place
  • Spike is calm at first, but slowly begins to get more and more crazed. (this is where the poetry is recited)
  • Spike either burns himself, then reveals that he has a soul. Or it's vice-versa.
  • Episode ends on the two of them in the church.

There are other things going on in the episode. I know we'll see a bit of Willow, and some more with the school. I'm just not sure where it all fits into the big scheme of things.

Speaking of Buffy and chapels. SMG and Freddie Prinze, Jr. were married this weekend. Congratulations and I hope that have many years of happiness ahead of them.

Caveat Emptor

I've gotten several people with questions about playing UK DVD's or VHS tapes, along with roughly the same amount of e-mails with solutions on the above question. I know that there are many of you who would like to buy the DVD's now, but I really can't provide any information on how to play these on non-PAL machines (and it doesn't help that some of the answers are actually contradicting each other). My best suggestion is to either ask at one of the messageboards, or do a Google search for specific sites that address the topic of PAL vs. NTSC or Region-less DVD players. I just wanted to make everyone aware that it's not as simple as buying them and popping them into your DVD/VHS machine.

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