August 31, 2002

Spoiler Zone, Pictures, Stores


Wendy has put out the latest edition of the Spoiler Zone, which includes her takes on the first five episodes. She also provides a title for Episode Five, Anya.

I have some additional spoilers for the first few episodes.

Episode 1:
In regards to the returning 'Big Bads'. My understanding is that this involves some sort of shapeshifting being that appears in the presence of Spike. It shifts into the shapes of several of the Big Bads, from one into the other, perhaps backwards through time. Is it real or is Spike hallucinating?

Episode 2:
The Oracle reports that Buffy is having Slayer dreams. Interestingly, Spike repeats to Buffy something she heard in one of her dreams. Are the writers showing some sort of mystical connection between Spike and Buffy?

Episode 3:
This episode does not pick up where episode 2 ended. We find out later that after Spike's confession about the soul, Buffy ran away, not able to deal with it. However, she, Xander and Dawn come to him for help when they are trying to find out what's behind a dead body Xander found.

Episode 3 and 4:
Spike is still helping Buffy and the Scoobies in episodes 3 and 4, but his sanity is still an issue.

Episode 5:
Anya confronts her past, present and future; Hallie and D'Hoffryn appear; Xander tells Anya he still loves her, but Anya may not be ready to resume a relationship; Buffy gives advice to Spike.

There are some new details in her spoilers which I haven't heard yet, but as usual they fit what I know myself.

Freeze Frame

Comics Continuum has more pictures from 'Lessons' posted. They were also posted by Fraz at Fan Forum, but I know from the e-mails I get that most of the fans prefer the non-membership links.

One picture of Dawn, and three of Giles (or Giles and Willow). I won't say that it's 'just' some pictures of Giles, as I read some interesting comments from when I did that the last time.

Open For Business

As promised, I've gotten the Canadian and United Kingdom stores completed. Just a note for fans who do visit the UK store. I know that the complete runs of Buffy and Angel sure look tempting, but they won't work unless you own a PAL-compatible VCR, DVD Player, or TV.

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