August 28, 2002

Thanks, Oracle, Eliza, Help, Promo

Words Can't Express

Before I delve into the news of the day, I just want to take a moment to thank each and everyone of you. I get letters of thanks daily from fans of the site, but I rarely get a chance to thank you for helping make the site as popular as it is.

It was one year ago that (and were officially launched, thanks to the recognition by both Jen at BuffyNewsWire and Hercules at AintItCoolNews. In less than two days, my site traffic exceeded all the hits for the entire year previous to that date. It's been growing ever since, and shows no sign of stopping (The site has, on average, 15,000 unique visitors daily. Since the beginning of this year, we've had over 2.5 MILLION visitors).

Thanks for making the site for what is it today. Double thanks to all of you who take the time to write me with words of encouragement, spoiler information, or support the site through Amazon, Paypal, and CafePress.

I couldn't do it without you.

The Oracle Proclaims

New spoilers were posted by The Oracle at the Buffy Cross and Stake today. Here's the new information they passed along.


NEW! - Buffy starts to have visions in her dreams. She sees a young woman in Istanbul get stalked by hooded figures (supposedly monks). A similar scene occurs in the second episode, "Beneath You."

"Same Time, Same Place"

NEW! - Willow returns to Sunnydale unable to see or be seen by her friends. (Results in at least one cool scene which presumably is the reason for the episode's title.) It happens because of her magic and because she's afraid of being alone.

NEW! - Anya pays the price for undoing the curse on Worm Man and loses her ability to teleport.

Episode 5

NEW! - This will be an Anya-centric episode. Complete with singing flashback to "Once More With Feeling" time!

While I don't have specific information to confirm all the new spoilers, the info on STSP fits with what was passed along by my source last week (Anya's in trouble with the boss and can no longer teleport. Willow is out of sync with some of the Scoobies). The information on Buffy dreams fits the casting information that I had received a while back about 'Slayers In Training'. So while we might not be as spoiled as we were before last season began, it looks like most of the spoiler sources are on the same page (and getting good information from our sources).

Blame It On Editing

For one reason or another, Eliza did not pass along any information on Buffy or Angel when she appeared on David Letterman last night. She seemed to be a bit under the weather, so they may have cut the interview short. Either way, the non-statement doesn't mean that it is or isn't going to happen. They may not have reached an agreement, or Joss may have asked her to keep quiet about it for a while. If I had to place money on it, Faith will be back on both shows this season (that's my own speculation, but I think it's good).

Not Just Anybody

I was able to confirm that one of the episodes this season will be titled 'Help'. Can't confirm the episode number, but I would believe it's as Wendy says, and this will be Episode Four. The only reason I'm hedging on that, is because I've gotten a report (not completely confirmed) which indicates that episodes may be juggled again in their order. I'll keep everyone updated as more info comes in.

First Promo Released

UPN aired the first promo for the new season last night. I want to thank everyone who passed along links to the promo. I can't post the links (copyright issues, Fox lawyers waiting to pounce), but if it shows up at or, I'll be sure to link it. But I can confirm the Dead People storyline in 'Lessons' because of it (you can see them briefly in the promo).

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