August 26, 2002

Herc, SciFi, International Shopping

It Was One Year Ago Today

Herc had an interesting post up at Ain't It Cool News, where he recounts bumping into Drew Z. Greenberg at a premiere. Drew offered very little information, but did pass along the following...

Greenberg indicated that all the villains of the previous "Buffy" seasons would appear in just one scene, and I think he was implying that it was going to be the last scene of the first episode. "If this scene comes together the way we think it will, it's going to be amazing," he said. "It sets up the entire season."

I mentioned that Mark Metcalf, who played season-one "big bad" The Master, said he was definitely be back later in the season. From what I inferred from Greenberg's response, the door is open for all of the "bads" to keep returning as the seventh (and likely final) season wears on. It also sounded like we'd be seeing a lot more of Eliza Dushku.

I've heard similar rumblings and rumors, although even I'm trying to figure out the exact purpose ot the 'Bads' returning myself. If I had to speculate, I would still expect that whatever we see in the first episode's as a possible 'Big Bad', will likely turn out to be a 'Little Bad'. The more I look into it, the more I'm convinced that the real 'Big Bad' is out wandering the world looking for 'Slayers In Training'.

Herc also mentions the spoilers that both Wendy and myself (thanks Herc) recently posted. The strange coincidence to all of this, was that it was 1 year to the day exactly that Herc first plugged this site - which led to the official launch of (but more on that in a couple of days).

You Gotta Have Faith

Speaking of Eliza Dushku, SciFi Wire has revealed that she plans to announce her future on Buffy and Angel, tomorrow night on David Letterman. Set your Tivo's.

To The Great White North And Across The Pond

Due to an ever-increasing demand for links to Amazon.UK and Amazon.CA, I have done the necessary footwork to get links set up. At the moment, I can't offer links to every item in the store. However, there is a link to both of those Amazon sites on the 'Slayer Shopping' page. Using these links will credit sales to the site. Hopefully within a week or two I'll be able to customize the stores to each country.

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