August 21, 2002

Wanda, CD Update

I Knew I Had Forgotten Something

As several people have pointed out, I completely forgot to mention that the archive to Wanda's Monday chat was up and available. Nothing really spoilery, but I should point out that at least in my opinion Wanda's wrong about Episode Four (at least from the rumblings I've been hearing).

In her chat, she comments that Episode Four is where Anya sings (yet Entertainment Weekly and Joss have said Episode Five). I also think Episode Four might be a little more Dawn-centric than Wanda expects. We'll have to wait and see I guess. Oops, I should correct that. EW only says that she'll sing in a future episode - but I'm still thinking it's going to be Episode Five (and Joss did say that at ComicCon).

Once More, On Amazon

Though I'm pretty darned sure I didn't miss it last night, there is a link to 'Once More, With Feeling' at now. With any luck I'll have time to update the Slayer Shop tomorrow. But for those who requested a link that will support the site, here it is. (Thanks for the support!)

Can you believe it's already #42 in sales rankings.

Link |
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