August 12, 2002

No News - Maintenance Update

Mid-Summer Cleaning

No news, and yes it's been pretty slow compared to last year. I keep hoping that something new will surface, but nothing does.

This update is going to deal mainly with those of you who subscribe via the Yahoo Groups list. I have a large number of bouncing-email addresses (which means that the updates are not getting through). I'm going to go ahead and delete any accounts that haven't received an update for several months. If, by chance, you stop receiving updates tomorrow or Wednesday, it's possible that this could be why. It shouldn't affect anyone currently receiving updates, but I don't want to make promises.

Also, I've heard that there is some trouble unsubscribing from the list. As far as I'm aware, the following e-mail address should unsubscribe you.

If you want to subscribe, this link should do that as well...

Hopefully, we'll have some new spoilage by mid-week.

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Ten's Domain

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