August 09, 2002

Episode Two and Episode Three Info

Please Sir, Can I Have Some More

Laurie posted some more tidbits about Episode Two at The Cross and Stake. I can confirm that all of her info pretty much gels with the information that I have. I'll be adjusting the Spoiler Slayer page to reflect this.

The first isn't actually new. It's confirmation -- not that confirmation is really needed -- of Tensai's recent fanforum spoiler that when Spike goes to attack Worm!Ronnie, it turns back into Ronnie as Spike is in mid-strike. He can't stop his momentum in time and thus spears Ronnie in the shoulder (non-fatally). And thus the chip fires.

Buffy was already fighting with Worm!Ronnie when Spike jumped into the fray. Ronnie was apparently turned into something called a Sluggoth Demon, which has a LOT of teeth. Nancy is also there, with Buffy trying to keep her out of harm's way.

In other news...

After Xander apparently helps to save Nancy's life, Nancy openly hits on him. And Xander is very receptive to her interest. Their conversation is interrupted by an attack by Worm!Ronnie.

A conversation between Nancy and Xander about their respective failed relationships shows them finding common ground in their feelings about problems with their respective "exes."

Even More

Wendy posted some information about Episode Two in her recent update to the Spoiler Zone. While I don't have independent confirmation, it does match rumors that I've heard from a variety of sources (whom I would consider to be reliable - I just haven't seen the source material).

Some spoilers have made the rounds of the boards lately, upsetting many Spike fans. I can somewhat clarify the events relating to Spike in episodes 1 and 2:

It's my understanding that Spike's arc over the first couple of episodes is as follows:

In the first episode, Spike is out of his mind. Buffy comes across him accidentally in the basement of Sunnydale High. Despite his mental state, he gives her information that helps her fight the ghosts in Sunnydale High.

In the second episode, Spike has pulled himself together and offers to help fight the Monster of the Week. Buffy reluctantly allows him to help, but is uncertain how to act around him--angry, sad, scared? Dawn knows how to act--she threatens to stake Spike.

At first, Spike is very business-like, and Buffy doesn't know how to respond to this new Spike. But later, when Anya senses Spike's soul, Spike causes trouble in order to distract her from spilling. Buffy gets upset and starts punching him. Spike starts to act like the old Spike, causing Buffy to treat him a bit like the old Spike. Later, during the fight with the MOW, Spike accidentally hurts a human, and he loses his grip again and runs off. Buffy follows him and confronts him about what has been going on with him. And that's when she realizes that he has a soul.

Same Bat Time...

I've gotten some information on Episode Three, which has been making the rounds. I do consider this to be reliable, as most of it has been pulled from casting sides.

- Dawn will be paralyzed by a demon, called Gnarl

- Gnarl will also kidnap and torture Willow in some bizarre ritual

- Buffy, Xander, and Anya will attempt to rescue Gnarl, and restore Dawn to her normal unfrozen self

Episode Title is being listed as 'Same Time, Same Place' and I've heard from an 'Industry Source' that Jane Espenson will be the writer.

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