July 31, 2002

Episode Two Writer, Musical CD

Still Quiet

While things are still quiet, there is at least a little news (enough so I can update the Spoiler Slayer page).

I've heard on a couple of boards that Doug Petrie will be writing 'Beneath You'. I haven't been able to get any confirmation, but for now I think it's safe to rank it as 'Likely'. Writer credits are not something that I would expect to be something that people would post false spoilers about.

I've also heard about a supposed release of the 'Once More With Feeling' CD in September. However, the site that was listing it (Rounder Records), no longer has any information related to the album. Even the link that was up at Slayage.com, takes you to a page with no information about the album. I know that it was there, because I saw it a couple days ago (but was waiting to see if it would pop up on Amazon - plus it's not really spoilery news). If I get any solid info, I'll post it here.

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