July 30, 2002

Wanda, Talkback Changes

Wanda's Weekly

Wanda's chat archive is now up at E! Online. There's a bit more on Joss's comments about Amber, and some info on Episode Two (nothing new)

Dear {Insert Name Here}

Due to an ever-increasing amount of e-mail, I've been forced to set up an auto-responder to the Talkback section of the page. For those who are curious (and so you don't need to go and send an e-mail to see what it looks like, the text is copied below).

I will still try to reply to compliments, complaints (yes, I do answer those), and spoilers and spoiler links. But even though I specifically explained that I cannot answer questions about the show or upcoming storylines, those e-mails were accounting for over 90% of my daily incoming mail. I do appreciate everyone who takes the time to write, but my schedule just doesn't have the room to answer all the questions.

For the record, I do hate form letters. I might be tweaking the site in the near future to allow for more fan interaction (especially with other fans). I can't make any promises, but I am looking into it.

Thanks for writing the Spoiler Slayer.

Due to the large amount of email the site receives, it's impossible to respond to every letter.

If you were writing in regards to a question you have about the show, I highly recommend messageboards like The Buffy Cross And Stake for finding answers to commonly asked questions about the show. Unfortunately, I cannot respond to individual requests for information about the show.

If you're passing along information about a link, story, or spoiler you have seen, you can be sure that I will take the time to check it out. If it's warranted, you might see it mentioned in an upcoming update.

For more information about the site, check out the link entitled 'Slayer Questions'. This page addresses some of the more commonly asked questions about the site itself.

Thanks again for taking the time to write.


Frank S - Tensai
The Spoiler Slayer

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Ten's Domain

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