July 17, 2002

More On The Crypt Set

Curiouser and Curiouser

A few more reports have come in (Slayage.com is doing a nice job of collating them), mentioned the interior of Spike's crypt and the exterior of the Magic Box being visited in the recent press tour of the studio. Which would seem to me that the spoilers we've heard aren't entirely correct, or something is being overlooked. As I mentioned yesterday, it's possible that Spike's crypt is really his new digs under the school. Then again, maybe Buffy just bumps into Spike under the school in the first episode, and we're jumping to the conclusion that this is where he is now living. But Fraz is reporting at FanForum that when she talked with James this weekend at Shore Leave (convention), he said that the crypt was goine. As for the Magic Box, they obviously would have separate sets for the interior and exterior. Since the facade is part of the street, it likely still in place for the time being. Now if they had gone into the interior of the Magic Box, I would feel comfortable in saying that the Magic Box is still going to be a part of the show next season. We may have to wait a long time before we know for sure what's changed in Sunnydale.

I did find some of the descriptions of the sets interesting, especially how on closer inspection some props seem out of place. For example, it would appear that Willow is a big fan of Huey Lewis and Buffy enjoys Harlequin romances. One writer even commented on how he doubts Spike would keep copies of 'The Doll Reader' magazine in his crypt. Well, that one I can explain. Dru.

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