July 16, 2002

Wanda, TV Guide, Mark Metcalf

Strike The Set, Er, Strike That

Wanda had an interesting comment in her weekly chat, which has been reported by other sources. Apparently, during the press tour, they were taken on a tour of Spike's crypt. Which, if you've been keeping track, was supposedly dismantled to make room for the High School set. I was more iffy about the Magic Box spoiler, but Wanda says that this set was torn down. I'm really unsure at this point what we should believe. Spike's crypt may have been redesigned or moved, and what the press saw was Spike's new pad under the school. It's also possible that the aboveground portion of the crypt still exists, as the show always needs a generic crypt set. If the set hasn't moved or changed, then does this mean that Spike isn't living under the school? If so, then why does Buffy find him hanging out there in the premiere?

Hopefully, we'll get a few more answers as news of the press tour continues to leak out.

Tara Nova

TV Guide is reporting that Amber Benson will be back for several episodes in the fall, but will be playing a new character. I've heard a mixture of reports about the actress. While Joss has hinted that she will be back, and other sources have said she will be back, there are those who are convinced that she won't return to the show (not even for a cameo). If I had to a make a call, I think we will see her in some form next season.

Talk Radio

A big thanks goes out to Tiffany, who had written me earlier this year about Mark Metcalf after I originally posted Herc's spoilage. She wrote again today, just to let me know that Mark did indeed say in a radio interview that he would be "filming for Buffy". That, along with all the other information floating around, would make it seem that there might be a Little and Big Bad Reunion in Sunnydale this year. Though the logistics of it still puzzle me. I've heard some good theories (Shapeshifting Big Bad), but nothing that couldn't be chalked up as idle speculation.

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