July 08, 2002

Update - Spoilers

I See New Spoilers

It turns out that the spoilers were already floating around when I posted, someone has managed to turn them up at AICN (in a Talkback). I'm going to include a link rather than posting it word for word here. That is one thing that you'll see less of this year, word for word spoilers. Just want to avoid posting anything that could be copyrighted, which I can't provide a true link or credit to or is not from a media source.

However, I can recap, which will make it much easier to read anyway.

Episode 1: Lessons

Buffy was more than a little concerned about the reopening of Sunnydale High, but Dawn takes it all in stride. Unfortunately, Dawn's new found friends Kit and Carlos are not so sure, especially when they all start seeing 'dead people'. Meanwhile, Buffy discovers that the new SHS principal has plans for her as well.

New Characters (possibly recurring)...

Kit Holbern - Goth Girl who attends Sunnydale High
Carlos Trejos - Tough guy, who's not as tough as he appears
Robin Wood - SHS's new principal

Buffy will be involved at some level with the school, after the principal convinces her to join the team (though it appears that it won't be in any normal High School role - sounds more like a Student/Faculty/Community liason)

BTW, just in case you are skeptical, I'm just starting to get other independent confirmation at this time. I'm not going to work them into the actual spoiler page until tomorrow. If they are false (and right now I would rank them as 'Likely'), someone has gone to a lot of work to fake this. My source is not the post at AICN, but it matches what I have seen. Remember how strange the summaries of the final five episodes of Season Six sounded when we first heard them, I think the same thing is happening here.

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