July 08, 2002

Update - New Spoilage Soon?

I Smell Spoilers

As you can tell, while we have gotten some spoilage since the start of July, it's not enough to get me back on the daily updates just yet. The good news is that I really believe that things are going to get rolling at any point.

How do I know this? Could it be due to a certain 'Sixth Sense'? Well to be honest, a little birdie (a 'Robin' in fact), delivered some very interesting spoilage today. Unfortunately, after the "Spike walks into the daylight" spoilage that I received at the end of last season, I'm very reluctant to post the entire 'Kit' and caboodle on the site. You see, I've learned my 'Lessons' well after the last time. Besides, I'd much rather collaborate like 'Carlos' Santana, and help corroborate info that another spoiler source picks up on.

Can't you tell I absolutely hate sitting on spoilage...

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