July 03, 2002

General Info

The Calm Before The Storm

Today's update is basically going to be a hodge-podge of news and rumors floating around. Nothing serious enough to actually start ranking as a spoiler, but things we might want to keep an eye on.

Filming Schedule

According to reports, Anthony and Aly are over in Bath, England filming scenes for Season Seven. Although nothing solid has come out, I have no doubts that this is happening. More iffy, are reports that Sarah is also in Bath. Tie this in with the fact that James was recently in Paris, there's a good possibility that more than a 'couple of scenes' will be filmed in England.

As I mentioned when we started to get confirmation from Joss and company that they would be shooting in England, it doesn't surprise me one bit.

In regards to actual locations or times of the shoots, or even when things are going to get fired up here in the States, I have no idea. None of my primary sources have information on the Shooting Schedule, so most of the information I get comes literally hours before an actual shoot. Unfortunately, most of the Shooting Location Reports were generated by members of the Kitten Board, so we could be in a for a dry spell. With BBOvenGuy now retired, I can only hope that someone else will put in the time and effort to cover these shoots.

ASH Rumours

Several sources are reporting that ASH will be the next incarnation of the Doctor, when the BBC brings back the series for it's 40th reunion. In addition, David Fury is supposed to be writing/producing the series.

Herc has a good rundown of what's been said by the sources and a response from the BBC. The bit that intrigues me is that it's being described as a 22 episode run per season. Which is a very American TV production run. In my experience, most British shows run anywhere from 6 to 8 episodes per season. To add to the confusion, what most of us in the States would consider to be an episode of Dr. Who, is actually several 25-30 minute episodes edited together.

What A Wild Duet

On the 1st of the month, it was the Drew and Drew tag-team over at the Bronze. You can read all the posts at the Bronze VIP Archives. Interesting comment about Spike and Xander becoming domestic partners. Possibly just a throwaway joke, but it would be interesting to see the two of them having to share quarters again. I can't believe that ME hasn't figured out a way to do a 'buddy episode', with Spike and Xander having to work together to save the others.

Spoiler Ho!

Finally, I've been hearing rumblings that there may be some spoilage surfacing tomorrow. It was this time last year that Herc laid out the first third of the Season, but also spoiled us on most of the major character developments as well. Don't know if Herc is going to do the same this season, but I have heard through the grapevine that some legit info is on it's way.

Once we get the first major spoiler break of the season, I'll be returning to daily updates. Once the season begins, there will be both an AM and PM update if needed. I'll keep everyone posted as the schedule changes.

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