June 26, 2002

Comments, Wanda And Other Interviews

School Daze

As I write this, I'm looking at approximately 56 e-mails in my InBox, all speculating on how Dawn could still be a freshman in Season Seven. Most of them fall into the possibility that Sunnydale High is only a three-year school, with the freshman or 9th grade being completed at a different school. Which I would normally admit is a very good argument, but when you look at all the comments made in the show, it seems like we're making a stretch to get the facts to fit.

We know that Sunnydale High has to be a four year school, not only because of the familiarity with the school the other Scoobies had, but even references to the 'new librarian. Besides, Dawn referenced herself as being in the 9th grade in 'Tough Love', stated she was a freshman in 'All The Way', and also made mention of the fact she was in High School in 'Older And Far Away'. It's a continuity-glitch at most, based on a spoiler that I can't even fully confirm at this point (Entertainment Weekly is the only source which has actually reported that she will be a freshman: "The action resumes at Sunnydale High with Dawn becoming a freshman...") We'll just have to wait and see what other information surfaces. At worst, it will end up being one of those things which will never make sense, just like Angel's real age or Spike's sire.

I'd also like to take a moment to thank everyone who wrote about this topic. I'm not going to be able to answer all the individual e-mails about Dawn and High School, but I do appreciate the time you took to to write me about this.

So Many Interviews, So Little Time

In addition to Wanda's Chat, where she fills in more details from the ATAS Event, there are also three interesting interviews at About.com ( Sarah, Anthony, James)

All of these back up rumors that we have been hearing, as well as disproving others. For example, Sarah states that Britney Spears will not be appearing in the show this season. James talks about the future of an ensouled Spike. All are good reads.

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