June 11, 2002

Update - Wanda, Yahoo News

No, I'm Not Dead

Just very busy, and there is way to little in the way of spoilers.

Wanda had some quotes from Sarah Michelle Gellar in her latest chat, but nothing spoilerly or earth-shattering.

Steven DeKnight posted at the Bronze, but since he's happily writing for Angel, not much in the way of Buffy spoilers there either.

Maybe I should rephrase that, I'm not dead, but the spoiler world is...

Also, for those of you who are subscribing to the updates via Yahoo. I've gotten several e-mails from users who are no longer receiving updates via mail. They are still subscribed, but nothing is showing up in the Inbox.

I know Yahoo! was implementing something that was going to stop users from getting Yahoo mail forwarded to a POP account. I don't know if that is the issue, but the best advice I can give is to check with Yahoo! I have no control over the delivery, other than making sure I'm posting my updates to the Yahoo! address. I'm still getting the updates in both of my accounts (neither of which are Yahoo! accounts), but that doesn't mean something might not be going on which is keeping some of you from receiving the updates. Unfortunately, it's BSOS (that's a favorite catchphrase at work, Beyond Scope Of Support). If you aren't getting the mail, this link should get you resubscribed.

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Until the next update...

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