June 07, 2002

Friday Update - Wanda News

I Didn't Really Think It Was That Much Of A Cliffhanger

Wanda has posted tidbits about how various cliffhangers may be resolved at the start of next Season. Note: There is much more than just Buffy Spoilers in the article, so I'm just mentioning the Buffy tidbits here. There are a few comments about Angel as well, so fans of that show should definitely check out the entire article.

Will Tara Return? It's not clear whether actress Amber Benson will be back, but my source tells me a version of Tara will reappear, adding, "We will see more of the Willow/Tara warm fuzzies."

Will Spike Come Back as a Human?
No, but he will come back with a soul. And according to a source close to the set, we haven't seen the end of the Buffy-Spike (aka Spuffy) fireworks--although this time, they'll undoubtedly be a little more Angel-ic.

As for the rumor that Britney Spears will appear on the show this year, although the entire "Grrr...Argh" camp is currently taking a much deserved break, I'd bet my beloved TiVo that Buffy boss Joss Whedon would give a response similar to his comment on last year's rumor that Shannen Doherty would guest star, "I only work with serious actors."

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