May 24, 2002

Friday Update - Yes, I'm A Slacker

Actually, I'm more of a perfectionist. I keep on revising my season wrap-up, because I think of new things to discuss, or I want to change my stance on something.

Having the phone ringing off the hook doesn't help much either. With any luck, it will be done tomorrow.

I will pass along some information today (even though I'm trying to take a week off, interesting things keep rolling in).

If you are looking for the Buffy Formula, as many e-mails have requested, it can be found at

A few people are writing about the bit in the promo that UPN has aired with Dawn breathing fire. That happened way back in 'After Life', so it wasn't something that you might have missed from the final few episodes.

Lastly, Jane Espenson's visit to the Succubus Club (or portions of it) have been posted to Very interesting read, even if the transcript skipped over much of the comments about Spike's soul.

Update: Almost forgot to mention the spoiler floating around that Britney Spears will be a recurring character next season. I don't care what newspaper has reported this story, I'd pretty much file this under false spoilage at this time. Not even thinking about scheduling conflicts this would create (for Britney), it seems to be a rehash of the 'special guest star' spoilage that usually appears over the summer (last year it was Shannen Doherty, the year before it was Britney - who was being considered, but only for a one-time guest shot). When the Spoiler Slayer page starts tracking Season Seven spoilage, this one's going to be listed as 'highly unlikely' (unless we get a confirm from either Mutant Enemy or Spears herself).

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