May 06, 2002

Monday Update - TV Guide, Loey, Spoiler Sites

TV Guide has posted the summaries for the final episodes of Season Six (is it over already?). My guess on the magical friend is that it's Giles. As for Willow's unwilling assistant, it could also be Giles, but then again it could also be Rack (who is credited in 'Two To Go').

Two to Go 60 min. In the first of a two-part sixth-season finale, Buffy, Anya and Xander race to the Sunnydale police station to try to save Jonathan and Andrew from a sorceress; Dawn persuades Clem to take her to Rack (Jeff Kober); Spike's stamina and courage are put to the test by a mysterious demon. Clem: James C. Leary. Jonathan: Danny Strong. Andrew: Tom Lenk. Willow: Alyson Hannigan. Xander: Nicholas Brendon. Anya: Emma Caulfield. Dawn: Michelle Trachtenberg. Buffy: Sarah Michelle Gellar.

60 min.
In the second part of the sixth-season finale, a magical friend helps the Scooby Gang try to stop a sorceress. But the witch still has a few tricks up her sleeve---and an unwilling assistant. Also: Spike's African sojourn comes to a climax. Andrew: Tom Lenk. Jonathan: Danny Strong. Dawn: Michelle Trachtenberg. Spike: James Marsters. Willow: Alyson Hannigan. Xander: Nicholas Brendon. Buffy: Sarah Michelle Gellar.

No new Wildfeed (drat), but Loey has posted her Wildfeed Summary for 'Seeing Red'

Herc and Angel X were interviewed and mentioned in the New York Post. You can read all about it at the site

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