May 02, 2002

Thursday Update - Entropy Review

As promised, here are my thoughts on 'Entropy'.

You would be right to assume, based on the comments that I made yesterday, that overall I didn't have any issues with the events of 'Entropy'. It was classic Buffy, with just the right mix of humor and drama. I think that Drew did an excellent job of showing both the pain and joy that lies within relationships. It brought a type of closure to the relationship storylines, just in time for the final run of episodes. While it was great to see Willow and Tara reconcile, we of course know what's just around the corner. It certainly took a bit of the joy out of it for me, and I'm wondering if this is something that should have happened sooner. Certainly it would have been better placed in 'As You Were' or 'Hell's Bells'.

As for Xander, I think that Anya hit the nail on the head with her assessment of him outside of the Magic Box. Sometimes I have to wonder just what he is thinking at times. This isn't only in terms of this season, though his actions may come close to beating the now infamous 'lie' at the end of Season Two (where he didn't tell Buffy about Willow's plans to re-soul Angel). For someone who seems to have been doing quite a bit of judging as of late, sooner or later he needs to take a good look in the mirror.

For Spike and Anya, there was a lot of truth there as well. Both are faced with the realization that the person whom they love, either doesn't feel the same way about them, or doesn't want to make the commitment that they should. In addition, both were given the promise of something that didn't come to pass. I don't blame either of them for what happened and I think everyone would agree that both realized it was a bad idea after the fact. In the end, I think Anya has finally learned after all these years that 'revenge' isn't always what you think it will be.

While I can't speak of much foreshadowing, or at least with beginning to speculate about 'Seeing Red', I think it's important to note that the writer's brought up the fact that Dawn wants to patrol. There have been little hints all throughout the season that there may be plans for her in the future. While news is coming out that strongly suggests that Season Seven may be the last for most of the current cast, I can't imagine that Fox or UPN is going to be in a hurry to drop the show. If the rumors of Dawn actually getting some slayage in are true, I really think that we could be heading down the 'Dawn, The Vampire Slayer' path.

There were a few points that seemed to be ignored in this episode, like the Halfrek/Spike connection (although Halfrek certainly seemed to give him a lingering look), and they never really explained how Anya had once again turned into a Vengeance Demon (I don't even think we ever saw her pendant). Will they come into play later in the season? It doesn't look like it right now, but everything is going to get jumbled next week anyway. In fact, I probably have more to say about 'Seeing Red' than I did about 'Entropy', but you'll have to wait.

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