April 17, 2002

AM Update - Finale Spoilers II, AICN

A full update to the Spoiler Slayer page should happen sometime by this evening. I started working on it last night, but life got in the way. I'll mainly be adding spoilers for the final few episodes, from the information we've received.

Now I Remember

Thanks to Ronnie, I now recall where I had seen those finale spoilers before. He had e-mailed me about them previously, but I hadn't put that much merit in them at the time. Now, I think it's worth taking another look at them. These were posted to a Scream Message Board by SlayerGuy

ok, first know that i really odn't go look for spoilers, so everythign was new to me...some of the stuff he did tell me i had heard as rumors so some of them are bascially confirmations...K? cool!

well....tara dies...not sure how

willow goes bad because of hr death---she cna't deal with it so..well hold on for taht one

warren is kiled by willow, but the other two make it

dawn gets some serious slayage action--she decaptitates a demon

giles returns...by teleporting...he wants to kick willows ass but she ends up kcking his and then takig his power making her super willow...

and bascially in the season finale willow is bent on destoryign eveythign so she doens't ahve to feel pain...so she raises a satanic temple and tries to conjure up a demonness who is gonna kill all...and there is an intrestign twist that doesn't directly involve buffy...she's in a pit fighting earth monsters.

if you wnat to know details.like scirpt and stuff....IM me...cuase like i said, i do respect teh rights of joss and everyoen else

but the littel part of the script i got was so well written, i was liek wow..i mena just imagining them saying it....it was like coolness!

I don't know how this ties into GoldenGirl's comments, or if the source is one and the same. I do know that it's being looked into and that we may have further confirmation today or tomorrow.

Freeze Frame

Herc posted a picture of the Magic Box, which looks to be a bit trashed. Consensus around the boards is that this could be post Anya/Spike snoggin's, or post-Willow's rampage. Then again, it could be one of your generic trashings of the Magic Box (must be Tuesday)

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