April 16, 2002

PM Update - Finale Spoilers

Finale Spoilers

Partyman posted the following at the Cross and Stake this afternoon.

No Reset. Willow is trying to destroy the world. Buffy and Dawn have a renewed sense of hope. Xander stops Willow. No Spike in the season Finale. Tara still dead at the end of the season
According to reports, this is information that DrLloyd from the Kitten Board passed along, but did not want to post on his own. I have no real reason to doubt either source, plus it pretty well fits in with most of what we have heard. In a later reply, Partyman clarified the Spike information. It's likely he will be in the finale, just not in Sunnydale (though it's still not 100%).

Along this vein, Golden Girl posted the following at Fan Forum

I talked to a guy who has some information on the season finale. I don't personally know the guy so I can't vouch for him or his spoilers, but he sounded credible to me, for what that's worth. All I can say is that he does have a legitimate way of knowing what he told me and what he said sounds plausible. First of all he says Giles is in the finale. In his words..

Giles comes back to kick Bad Willow's ass (he teleports by magic powers)....Willow kicks his ass and takes his power..raises a satanic temple and tries to conjure a demoness

______ stops Willow (its not Buffy).....Dawn gets slayage action [he inserted the blank there--we already know this is Xander]

Tara dies

Buffy and Dawn see the 2 geeks off in a van.

Willow is talked down by Xander, and is consoled by him. He described this scene as touching. One line he mentioned from the script, from Willow, is that her reason for destroying the world is so she doesn't have to deal with pain.

I asked what happened to Giles, and he said:

he's in the pit with Buffy, Dawn, and Anya[I'm assuming this is the jagged hole from the shooting location report]

I asked what the purpose of the pit was, and he said it was a fireball Willow sent to kill them or at least stop them.

I asked if Buffy was able to forgive Willow for doing this and he said it was unresolved.

The final scene is an overview shot of Buffy and Dawn looking out at the horizon. Quoting from the script...

"Buffy and Dawn are on their feet now, brushing themselves off" she looks around...."she's looking at a vista of rolling hills and greenery under a beautiful, perfect spring sky" they walk away from the cemetery and toward this beautiful world"

He had no Spike news, but his information was limited.

The strange thing is that I've heard the spoilers somewhere else, but I just can't locate the source right now. The entire Giles teleporting, Willow trying to end the world. I know I've seen this somewhere before, but I just can't put my finger on it.

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