April 15, 2002

PM Update - Angel X, New Items


Angel X posted some clarification on 'Seeing Red' at the Kitten Board.

Drive by to clear up confusion...

Anya is frozen in a "can't move but not encased in ice" kind of way. Willow barges into the shop, heads for the "dark" books and Anya protests. In reaction, Will says, "Stop" and Anya suddenly can't move. It's temporary and not a deadly kind of thing... just keeps Anya out of Willow's way. It does last quite a while though as she's "frozen" early on in the episode and it doesn't wear off until very late in the episode. Xander and Buffy arrive at the shop in time for the effects to begin wearing off on Anya.

And still, as far as *I* know, there is no wish granting in 19. I don't know what Warren and the guys try to do that gets Andrew and Jonathan arrested. It *is* possible that Warren does wish for money or wealth of some sort as he does have an abundancy of it in ep 20. I assumed that was from whatever he did with the guys (as dialogue seems to hint that...but rumblings about ep 19 seem to counter my speculation) but it is possible he gets that money and whatever else from a wish. I don't see *how* he'd get that wish granted from a vengeance demon, but maybe? I don't know... If the "super power" stuff is all true, then it's also just as possible that the guys steal the money or whatever. There's lots of possiblities, we'll just have to wait and see which one works out.

Finally... Warren isn't in the house when he shoots at Buffy. He and Buffy and Xander are all in the backyard of her house when it happens.

New Arrivals

Over the weekend, I added a few books to the Slayer Shop. Including 'Reading The Vampire Slayer', which I've heard nothing but good things about. On the down side, I've discovered that they've pushed back the date on the X-Box game. Looks like late June for the release.

Tomorrow, I'll have the archive of Wanda's chat. Also, I've been getting numerous requests for more speculation. I've pretty much covered everything I wanted to cover, or at least until a new episode airs. My opinions have not changed, and if they do, I'll be sure to mention it here.

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