April 03, 2002

PM Update - Partial Spoiler Slayer Update

Keeping It Short And Sweet

It always seems to happen when I think it's going to be quiet. I post that I don't think anything solid will pop up until May, the next thing you know we've got a list of the final run of episodes.

I've started doing a partial update to the Spoiler page. I really don't have enough time or energy to get to them all today. I've chosen to pretty much confirm the UPN information, but I'm still hedging my bets in a few instances. For example, all the deaths are being listed as 'Nearly Confirmed'. It's not that I don't think it's going to happen, but it could come out slightly different than it's worded. Much like the 'Chip Malfunctioning' rumor from 'Smashed'.

If all goes well, I will have a full wrap-up of this on the site tomorrow night, as well as having the Spoiler Slayer page fully up to date.

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