March 29, 2002

AM Update - Marti Noxon, Promo Bits

Marti vs. Buffy Fans: Round One

Just a warning, if you do follow the link to read this interview, there is a major Angel spoiler at the bottom of the page. As someone who's been doing his best to avoid Angel spoilers, I would have been pretty ticked, if I hadn't tripped over it earlier on another site.

As promised, Wanda at E! Online posted a brief interview with Marti. There's pretty much nothing in the way of spoilers, though it does explain the reasoning behind 'Normal Again'. As I expected, it was an interesting 'What-If', but was not a statement on the entire Buffyverse.

Although her answers are likely to be controversial, I have to agree with her comments on Buffy/Angel and Buffy/Spike. No matter how much we might like to see Buffy end up with or stay with someone, it's the reality of a TV series that is going to prevent this. Buffy/Angel had the possibility of becoming your standard 'teen comedy/drama' storyline. The writers added a twist that made it different. We're going through the same thing currently with Spike.

However, I still think we need to do a bit of reading between the lines. Again, it's this qualifier that "Spike and Buffy won't work because he's EVIL", that we've been hearing all season that bothers me. As she says, "There's so much cool stuff about to happen--in a way people are not expecting."

Quick Note On The Promo

Since I'm getting a lot of questions about the promo link...

You need Windows Media Player in order to see the promo (or at least, that's what is working for me). It is the first trailer at the top and is simply called 'Slayer'.

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