March 25, 2002

PM Update - Angel X Posts

Still nothing in the pipeline, but since Angel X hasn't updated her MessageBoard Page yet, I figured I would post the information from yesterday.

I would apologize for the serious lack of spoilers, but it's something that is pretty much beyond my control.

Angel X Comments

These were the comments mentioned in yesterday's post.

Does Anya know about the Spuffy relationship before her dangerous liaison with Spike? I gather that Dawn does, but does anyone else? I've read the spoiler page, but am still unsure.

No... Anya finds out after her thing with Spike, at the same time as Xander.


Sorry to bug you but do we know if Tara is shot with a regular gun and where this occurs at???

Yes, Tara is shot with a regular gun. She is inside Willow's bedroom when it happens.


Just thought I'd drop by and clear up a few things.
I have no idea where the Anya granting Warren's wish thing comes from. Certainly wasn't from me. As far as my info is concerned, Anya does absolutely no wish granting in 18-20. She returns to Sunnydale a demon again and doesn't waste too much time in seeking her own vengeance. There's an abundance of opportunity and attempts in 18, but no wish granting and most certainly, no involvement of Warren or any of the Troika with Anya. There's a *very* minor possiblity that it happens in 19, but it really makes no sense with the rest of the events. Warren tries to get his vengeance on his own and seeks methods other than a vengeance demon to *try* and save himself when his plans don't go right.

And those spoilers recently posted on my board were also recently deleted. The poster has been trying to spread false spoilers all season long, stealing spoilers from various sources and formulating stories of "connections" to pull of some attempt at reliability. Only recently have they claimed to be maybe wrong... other than the stuff that was taken spoilers we know to be true, there's nothing in there that's accurate.

Still haven't gotten any more news or any good news confirmed again...soon as the finale finishes I'll be able to post some more spoilers, but as of now, I don't have more on Tara.


My info only goes as far as ep 20. There are some details that I'm not getting into right now and I'm not going to until the show completes filming or gets close to that point. Not that I think the writers are going to change the storyline based on my spoilers being released, but I don't want to take any chances with certain elements that could be changed or removed as a result of their early release in spoilers. I really doubt they're doing more than one ending or anything, but the main spoiler I'm planning to release *could* have been changed in filming and I'd like to be sure it's not. I'm really playing it extra safe with the spoilers for 20 and trying to get as much additional confirmation on the details as possible (never can have too much), which I may be able to get more of while filming of 21/22 is going on. The additional spoilers will be on 18-20 though, unless there's a miracle and I get info for 21/22.

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