March 20, 2002

AM Update - Cross and Stake

Sex, Lies, and Video Monitors

Angel X has posted some more tidbits at the Cross and Stake. She's updating this page as she posts, so it makes it easier to locate her other news.

Re: Spike and whether someone tells him to go to Africa... As far as I know, he's not told to go by anyone... but his departure happens in 19, and I don't have full information on that episode. He may have know about this demon for a long while and just needed the motivation to finally go to it...I don't know. I don't think it's elaborated on much.

Re: Whether Spike and Anya know they're being watched in 18...
They don't do it knowing they are being watched, but they find out afterwards.

Re: Buffy's reaction to the video of Anya and Spike...
Both Buffy and Xander are upset by what they see because of their former sig. others. Buffy's upset enough that Willow and Dawn figure out that Buffy's had something going on with Spike just by looking at her reaction to what she sees on the screen.

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