March 18, 2002

PM Update - April 2nd Episode, Wanda, False Spoilers, Titles and Contracts

Schedule Info

The repeat that will air on April 2nd will be 'Wrecked' - no big surprise there.


Wanda's chat isn't archived yet, I'll have the link tomorrow. Nothing really new or different from what we've already heard. In fact, some of her wording is taken directly from the Cross and Stake.

False Spoilers, It Must Be Monday

Some spoilers, which are so incredibly false that I won't even bother posting them here, were posted at the Kitten Board today. If you want to read them, follow the link. BBOvenGuy and Angel X have both confirmed them as false, just in case you have any doubts.

Episode Titles and Contracts

I hate to have to say this again, but people keep on emailing me about these two topics.

1) The Episode Titles for 21 and 22 ('Sunsets' and 'Real') are pretty well Confirmed False. They were originally posted along with the title for '20', which Angel X has already disputed. We never get more than a two episode titles at a time, so when they first were posted I was already highly skeptical. I know many sites are posting them as fact, but these are the same sites that posted 'Venoms' and 'Future Is Now' as episode titles.

2) As far as I know, all of the Regulars are contracted through Season Seven. While I don't have a copy of the specific article, I do remember that when the switch was announced (when the show moved from the WB to UPN), there was a press release which clarified this point. It was put out because of the rumors of Sarah not returning to the show, based on statements she has made when the switch was first rumored. I believe that both Mutant Enemy and the UPN came out with a statement that all of the regulars (with the exception of ASH), would remain with the show through the end of the current UPN contract. Which is through Season Seven. I also think that Joss restated this shortly after Season Five ended. Wanda also mentioned it recently, and while she may be sketchy on her spoilers from time to time, I think we can trust her when it comes to contract/production information.

Not that a contract is any kind of guarantee.

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